Hopefully you have seen the "Scrollwheel" video based on this Reddit comic. If not view it now (it's short)...
"Don't Click The Arrows in PowerPoint!"
There are enough technical mistakes a person can make before they even step up to make their presentation. I can take a poorly designed PowerPoint (not all of us can be presentation Gods), I can take a person stumbling through their presentation because they are ill prepared, but what I can't stand is when somebody changes to the next slide by walking over, grabbing the mouse, looking to the screen, scrolling over and clicking the "next" arrow. There are so many quicker ways to advance slide it is literally not funny. Here is a list of ways to advance to the next slide (available by pressing F1 in the slide show):
1) Click the mouse: Click it anywhere, it will advance
2) Use the Arrow Keys: Up/Down or Left/Right will advance the slide or take a step back to the previous.
3) Pg UP/Pg Down: This will also advance forward or backward.
4) Space Bar: Also advances forward
5) "N"/"P": Advances forward or backward
6) Press Enter: Advances forward
7) Slam Your Hand on the Keyboard: I actually tried this. When in doubt aim for the lower half of the keyboard.
8) Get a Presentation Remote: I recommend this. It's under $10 with shipping.
I have experienced this feeling many times before, the following 3 things are comments I have been known to yell at people (I know it's rude but they really bug me). Follow these pointers and I can promise you that I will be polite as you use the scroll bar to move down the page.
"Don't Click The Arrows in PowerPoint!"
There are enough technical mistakes a person can make before they even step up to make their presentation. I can take a poorly designed PowerPoint (not all of us can be presentation Gods), I can take a person stumbling through their presentation because they are ill prepared, but what I can't stand is when somebody changes to the next slide by walking over, grabbing the mouse, looking to the screen, scrolling over and clicking the "next" arrow. There are so many quicker ways to advance slide it is literally not funny. Here is a list of ways to advance to the next slide (available by pressing F1 in the slide show):
1) Click the mouse: Click it anywhere, it will advance
2) Use the Arrow Keys: Up/Down or Left/Right will advance the slide or take a step back to the previous.
3) Pg UP/Pg Down: This will also advance forward or backward.
4) Space Bar: Also advances forward
5) "N"/"P": Advances forward or backward
6) Press Enter: Advances forward
7) Slam Your Hand on the Keyboard: I actually tried this. When in doubt aim for the lower half of the keyboard.
8) Get a Presentation Remote: I recommend this. It's under $10 with shipping.
"TAB to Advance!"
Few things are more gut wrenchingly boring than watching someone else fill out an online form. Please know the following; If you are filling out a form in any browser, you can press TAB to advance to the next fillable area in the form. Trust me, it makes things much faster.
"F11 For Full-Screen Browsing!"
When I use "the internetz" as my students call it to present a new article or application to my class the first thing I do after getting to the page is press "F11". This button will rid your window of all the superfluous items your browser application uses (and in the case of Internet Explorer those dreaded toolbars).
I have witnessed this atrocity in person |
There are many more tech things that bug but I think that is enough for now. Let me know in the comments about things that bug you.
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