About a year and half ago I walked into my first classroom as a teacher. I walked in to no curriculum, 4 different textbooks and about a month to prepare. Needless to say it was extremely difficult to get started. My vice principal was as helpful as she could be in this regard but a curriculum still needed to be created from scratch.
My first step was to create a "curriculum" for the current set-up of the class. This involved a Sophomore and Junior curriculum to cover objectives necessary to pass the CompTIA Strata (Sophomore) and the CompTIA A+ (Junior). This was my first time writing a curriculum at all so it was a little rough around the edges. It was competent enough but focused too much on assignments and not enough on overall goals.
After some discussion with my vice principal we decided to overhaul the computer technician program. We decided to teach computer repair (CompTIA Strata) during Sophomore year and introduce programming in their Junior year. I was able to refine the current curriculum to meet the Sophomores needs and then turned my attention to the Juniors. We focused on Python and HTML/CSS as the core of the programming curriculum. There is only one problem, I don't know how to code.
Let me clarify a bit, I understand the basics of programming. I know about variables, strings, loops, if/then statements, etc but not nearly enough to actually teach a class on programming. I have designed and coded basic websites for friends but nothing approaching what people expect to see on the web today. I have messed with javascript and other client side scripting languages but would have to do alot of research to even appear semi-competent in any of them.
So the question remains, how do I write a curriculum for something I don't completely understand? Is it possible? Do I purchase a program or hire outside help to do this? Do I create a self-guided curriculum which allows the students to learn at their own pace? I have started learning python3 and am brushing up on my HTML/CSS. I am knee deep in research right now and hope to come upon a solution soon but we will have to just wait and see.
Leave any suggestions in the comments.
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